09 October 2008

Eid Mubarakh (1 Syawal 1429 H)

This is the 1st raye we celebrated with my supertihi..making the the first day of hari raye celebrations even more special than usual ..tp this raye tak banyak captured pics sbb asik terkejar² si kecik tur...

Rayer thn ni is my hubby's side.. balik Bentong, Pahang ...arrived late that night around 3 am....ZZzzzzZZZZz..aku tido jer dlm kete...hahahaa...

**his 1st baju melayu**

**dan encem² naik walker plak...**

XoXoXo...Me...hahaaa..tahun ni aku xde pics berbaju rayer yer...sebab terlampau bz mengejar
my supertihi....**sob**sob**